Women Take Stock
We're four friends, all at different places in our financial and personal lives, looking to pull back the curtain on the seemingly mysterious, often testosterone-driven world of stock investing. We are certain that if four women without business degrees can figure out the market as a side hustle, well, so can you. Join us as we learn the basics, buy, sell, commiserate and celebrate - hopefully, more of the latter. Maybe we can even make a little (or a lot) of money along the way. And if money is power, then we want some of that too!
Women Take Stock
S1 Ep15 Got Investment FOMO?
Season 1
Episode 15
We all know about FOMO, or Fear of Missing Out. We've all been teenagers. And when it comes to investing, it's all too easy to get swept up with the same insecurities that can drive our social lives. Should we join the Bitcoin party that everyone's raving about even though the stock is at its peak? Should we buy into that little-known company because our friends are buzzing about it? Guilty as charged. FOMO isn't necessarily the best reason to invest, so how can we make sure our investment choices aren't being overly influenced by the fact that our emotional selves never really leave high school? Listen in as we share ways we keep it in check.